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Context switches are expensive for human brains and even though many managers (other people too, but managers definitely) have convinced themselves that they can easily handle a multitude of tasks at the same time (e.g. take a second call and answer emails while in a meeting) the truth is they will underperform at all of…

RegEx debugging

Regular expressions are a powerful tool when you build an application that has to parse textual input. They are also useful in several other contexts. Some examples of where I’ve recently used them are: And I’m sure there are plenty more use cases that didn’t come to my mind right away. But coming up with…

Supervising a thesis

Writing a thesis is a big undertaking that takes alot of time, motivation and self-organization to complete. Dedicated supervisors can help accomplish that, but ultimately it is up to the author of the thesis to get it done. In this post, I want to share experiences how to help the students from my point of…

Decision memos support educated, documented and quick decisions

Different employees have a different level of bravery to make decisions on their own. Sometimes, they are missing required context, they are uncertain whether they are allowed to decide something or they don’t want to be held responsible for the consequences of a decision. This is when they turn to their manager and ask them…