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My first Global Game Jam game

This year’s Global Game Jam (GGJ) will take place soon and I’ll take part in it and join the Leipzig jam site as a participant and co-organizer again. This marks my tenth GGJ anniversary and so I thought it’s time for a look back to the jam games which I helped create.

My first game in 2014 was called “We Are Prophet”. It’s a 2D real-time multiplayer action and area control game for two players. When we first created it, we used a Java game engine called Slick2D. My main part was the client-server communication which I originally implemented with a library called Restlet. Yes, you heard correctly, RESTlet. It was a library which I had used previously and so it was the easiest solution to get the job done during the 48 hour jam even though REST communciation is not the optimal choice for a real-time multiplayer game. 😉

Screenshot of the original version of We Are Prophet

The game was a big success in the sense that we had a lot of fun creating and playing it. That much actually that part of the team decided to continue with the game. So, in the years afterwards, we improved the game, added new features and presented it at various occasions such as the “Lange Nacht der Computerspiele”.

Over the years, I’ve put a lot of effort into the game and completely replaced the framework used with LibGDX and the client-server communciation now runs on Kryonet which uses sockets and an efficient binary format. We Are Prophet is still actively maintained and there will be an official fun tournament for it at the CaGGtus LAN 2024.

If you want to know more or give the game a try, you can head over to the official website.

Published inMy Projects